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Ivy's Tarot Light

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About Me

Welcome to my Tarot Light, Tarot Lovers!

As a Certified Tarot Advisor, I am deeply passionate about using the Tarot as a ​guide to explore the complexities of the human mind, including the conscious, ​subconscious, and higher consciousness. I read Tarot to reveal new ​perspectives on the past, gain clarity on the present, and seek guidance ​towards a fulfilling future. My goal is to empower my clients by using the Tarot ​to uncover their own inner truth, strength, and wisdom as they navigate ​personal and relationship challenges. I am dedicated to serving my clients with ​the utmost compassion, professionalism, and integrity, always acting in their ​best interests.

I believe that reading Tarot is interacting with spiritual energies. To me, Tarot is ​not meant to provide specific information about individuals or events. Instead, ​it excels in uncovering underlying issues, gaining insight into the subconscious, ​analyzing the dynamics of relationships, and providing guidance for current ​situations.

I believe that our future is not set in stone or predetermined; it is constantly ​being shaped by our intentions and actions. I convey the guidance and insights ​coming through the Tarot cards, but I do not make definitive predictions nor ​take away my clients' free will. I allow my clients to take responsibility for the ​decisions and actions they take following a Tarot reading.

I always provide readings with compassion and in a non-judgmental manner. I ​listen to my clients, help them sort through things, and honestly read into the ​heart of the matter or situation. I share what I see in the Tarot cards with ​honesty and transparency. I do not give false hopes or empty promises. I ​interpret the cards as they appear before me, without bias. I do not ​discriminate against anyone due to their religion, nationality, gender, race, ​sexual orientation, or political beliefs.

In accordance with my Code of Ethics and my personal beliefs, I do not provide ​readings or make predictions for inquiries that primarily involve fortune-telling ​in any form. I do not provide readings or give advice in areas for which I am ​not professionally qualified, such as financial, legal, or medical advice.

Let Tarot bring light to your heart!

With Love and Light,
